WHS Percussion


WHS Percussion Instructor


Shaun Gladney is a composer, educator and sound designer based in McKinney, Texas. Shaun is a full-time Firefighter/Paramedic who serves as the Percussion Director with the Warrior Band on his days off. Mr. Gladney also serves as the Percussion Arranger for the Marching Band.


For the first six years of his career, Shaun served as the inaugural Percussion Director and Arranger at Battle High School (Columbia, MO) and its feeder middle school. Shaun has received multiple awards from the University of Missouri New Music Initiative, performed as a member of the 2009 Macy’s Great American Marching Band and performed as a front ensemble member of Gateway Indoor in 2015. Shaun has composed, arranged and designed for various percussion, marching band and chamber ensembles. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Columbia College (MO) and spent two years studying Composition at the University of Missouri before pursuing a full-time career as a Firefighter and Paramedic.

In addition to his work with the Warrior Band, Mr. Gladney serves as the Front Ensemble instructor for Plano East Senior High School. Shaun also maintains freelance jobs as an arranger and sound designer for marching bands throughout the U.S.

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