WHS Color Guard

The Color Guard is the most visual part of the Warrior Marching Band and consists of Flags, and other equipment like Rifles and Sabers, that better help the Band tell stories with our Half – time productions!


Who can join Color Guard?

1. Any Warrior Band Member interested in Color Guard can choose to do Color Guard for our Marching Band Show! *You will still play your instrument in class, but focus on flag and rifle/sabers for morning marching rehearsals.


2. Any Orchestra, Theater or Choir Student at Williams High School! *Talk to your friends in theater, orchestra and choir and see if they are interested in joining our Color Guard!


PESH Winter Guard (Spring Semester) Starting in December, Guard Students from Williams, McMillen and PESH all join forces to make up the PESH Winter Guard which competes in gyms in the Spring!

Upcoming Events

No Upcoming Events


Community Partners

We are so thankful to our Community Partners for their generosity!